Business Marketing Tips for 2021

Kicking off 2021 with a “refreshed” marketing plan for your business

As we settle in to 2021, there’s never been a better time than right now to start planning your company’s comprehensive marketing plan than right now.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand why a marketing plan is important for your business. In short, over 50% of all consumers go online to research a company or its products before making a purchasing decision — meaning if you’re not capitalizing on a comprehensive marketing plan for your small business, you could be missing out on potential conversions.

Social media for your business

In 2021, it will be incredibly vital that every small business have a social media presence of some sort. And as a business owner, you probably understand that your company needs social media, but are having trouble navigating some of the finer details such as what platforms to use and how to optimize your engagement, among others. Here are some of our social media resources for small business owners:

Utilizing email to reach your customers

Email marketing is a nearly unmatched way to increase your store’s exposure — over 99% of consumers open their email at least once daily, according to HubSpot. Even more than just increasing exposure, email marketing allows you to present more purchase opportunities than any other form of marketing.

Is your website setup properly?

Today, companies aren’t just competing with local competition. Online companies of all sizes are trying to take a piece of the your industry’s pie, and it is up to you to stay relevant in an increasingly diverse landscape. One way companies can gain new customers or regain those they’ve lost to the online giants is through ensuring their websites are up to date for search engine optimization, or SEO.

Other resources

At SmartSolutions, our team can help assess your company’s marketing strategies and efforts and help you create a plan a comprehensive marketing plan for your business today.

Contact our team today to get your free consultation!


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